Staged Energy Efficiency Renovation

New Staged Passivhaus Enerphit Renovation.

There are two phases to this Retrofit project in Corporation Street, East London, with Passivhaus EnerPHit  precertification having been achieved on the completion of Phase one.

Stage 1 – various energy efficiency measures were applied to the existing house. 

Stage 2 – a new rear extension will be constructed within the next two years.

Key Outcomes:

Each stage modelled in PHPP, with final energy reductions predicted to be 96% from the existing house.   This is a classic 3 bedroom Victorian terrace built around 1870, and shows what can be possible with these houses.  This is one of the most energy efficient retrofit projects in the UK.

Our Approach

The client wanted her home to achieve the Passivhaus Enerphit Standard.  For budget reasons the entire job could not be done in one go.

Therefore we planned a phased strategy, where the main house had energy efficiency measures.  The second phase extension will complete the home.

Our Process

We modelled each of the 5 steps in PHPP.  The airtightness was measured before commencement, and at the end of Stage 1, giving confidence the completed job will achieve the required standard.

The Results

The project has been pre-certified by a certifier accredited by the Passivhaus Institute.

The results are spectacular, with a heat demand of 12.6 kWh/(m²a), leading to a 96% energy-use reduction.

  • Customer Private Client
  • Field Domestic
  • Location West Ham, London
  • Year 2024
Private client Staged Retrofit of terraced house CORP-phi-870x650

Certified Energy Efficiency

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